Oct 20, 2010

Finally, real food....sort of

Well, I finally graduated to pureed and soft foods this week.  Finally!  I have been eating things like soup, egg salad, cottage cheese, yogurt (still), and that's about it besides the usual protein shakes and Isopure clear protein drink.  I did have a strawberry/blackberry smoothie this morning for breakfast.  Added vanilla flavored whey protein to it.  I didn't make much but I was super full when I was finished!  Almost over full.

Tonight, when I got home from work, I decided to eat a fat free, sugar-free, chocolate pudding (Swiss Miss cup).  It was tasty, about a quarter to half cup I guess.  But, holy shit did I feel full when I was done!  I am losing steadily about 1LB per day.  I have noticed a bit of constipation, but I guess that is to be expected after this type of surgery and the minimal amounts I eat that are mostly protein.  I have added some fruits into my lunch and breakfast to try to "move things along" so to speak and today it finally worked.  Whew!

I'm still a bit tired as the day wears on past 1pm or 2pm in the afternoon.  I guess I'm still recuperating some.  I feel pretty normal aside from staying up way too late on nights I work, and getting up way too early.  More sleep per night is in my future for sure!

I'm lying in bed right now and I have no reason for it other than I was tired when I got home.  I haven't had any protein for dinner yet so I guess I need to move my fat (but getting smaller) ass out of this comfy bed and figure out my food!  Also Survivor is on tonight so Doug is expecting me to be sitting right next to him while we watch it.  Our TiVo is FULL on both t.v.'s and I have no idea when I'm going to have time to watch it all. We're about to run out of room on them.  Maybe this weekend I'll have a marathon TiVo session.  After I clean the bathroom...always.

9/29/10 - Starting weight 283 lbs
10/20/10 - Current weight 255 lbs
Total Lost - 28 lbs

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